Season 2: Twilight Reckoning

As the horizon brightens with the dawn of this era, a fresh adventure beckons.

Mission Season 2: Twilight Reckoning heralds an era where innovation meets engagement. This season introduces the revolutionary Console module, transforming how you interact with your NFTs and the game world.

GN will serve as the point token of the entire GM Network ecosystem, obtainable through various means. Gathering GN as much as possible to prepare for obtaining GM in the future.


June 13, 2024 7AM UTC -> July 17, 2024 7AM UTC

New Content Overview

  • Missions: Engage in a variety of new missions that will challenge and reward you in unique ways.

  • Hodl: Holding CyberV no longer earns GN directly, instead staking is required to continue earning GN; the staking system is launching soon.

  • Staking: Dive into the new staking system that offers better rewards and strategic opportunities.

  • Equip: Stake your NFTs before you can selectively equip them, which will then increase your GN output as a reward.

Before You Begin

Before diving into the details, please take note of the following important points:


New Missions

Dive into new challenges with our redesigned missions that offer greater rewards.

  • Visit GM Network's Docs

  • Visit GM Network's Whitepaper


Season 2 introduces a brand new staking system. Holding CyberV no longer earns points directly. Instead, players will need to actively engage in staking. By staking your NFTs, you not only secure your assets but also enhance your potential returns.


GN Points Rewards for Staking Agent NFTs

GN Points Rewards for Staking Gear NFTs

Currently, the only Gear NFT that can be staked is Yozoo. For information on the GN earning for other rarity of Gear NFTs, please refer to the supplementary materials below.

pageStake & EqiuppageStaking


Once you have staked your NFTs, you can then equip them. For staking and equipping, you receive 100% earnings because the slots are limited. You can equip up to 1 agent and 6 gear in S2. For any amount exceeding the limit will follow the reduction rules described later.

pageStake & EqiuppageEquip (NFT Restaking)


Both staking and equipping have slots. Any staking that exceeds the slot limit will be subject to reduction. Please refer to the diagram for details.



Enjoy and Engage

We hope you find Season 2 both enjoyable and rewarding. Looking ahead, we plan to unlock even more exciting gameplay features in the upcoming seasons. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions in our Discord community. We are committed to continually improving your experience based on the community's insights and recommendations.

Enjoy playing, strategize wisely, and prepare for the thrilling developments we have in store for you in the future seasons. Let's make Season 2 unforgettable!

Last updated