GM Network

GM Network, supported by AltLayer and EigenLayer, is the pioneering consumer AIoT network built on AVS technology. Utilizing AltLayer’s Restaked Rollup along with OP Stack and EigenDA, this Layer 2 solution on Ethereum offers decentralized operations with adjustable security and cost-effectiveness, tailored for consumer applications.

Key Features of GM Network:

  1. AVS: Integrates AVS to maintain decentralized operations with flexible security and cost management, perfect for consumer AIoT environments.

  2. Gasless: Facilitates user-friendly, gasless transactions through account abstraction (GMID), enabling easy Web3 wallet creation with biometric IDs like Face ID and Touch ID, removing the hassle of traditional Gas tokens.

  3. Security: Security is reinforced by Ethereum and AVS, allowing adjustable security levels to balance performance needs. The native GM token enables staking for additional security across the network and its DApps.

  4. Scalability: Offers comprehensive scalability solutions for infrastructure, device data, asset liquidity, and user communities, supporting AIoT projects to achieve their full potential.

The GM Network is designed to integrate seamlessly into consumer lives, promoting broad adoption of AIoT with robust security, user-centric features, and extensive scalability.

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