
GM Network testnet is an OP stack powered AVS L2 that uses EigenDA as its data availability layer. In GM Network, L2 transaction data are written to EigenDA instead of Ethereum calldata.

GM Network Testnet info


Network Name

GM Network testnet

Rollup Stack Type

OP Stack

Settlement Layer

Sepolia Testnet

Chain ID


Currency Symbol




Short Guide

  1. To start using GM Network testnet, you can add it to your wallet by visiting the Rollup Info Page.

  1. Next, visit the bridge interface to bridge your Sepolia Testnet ETH to GM Network testnet.

You can obtain Sepolia Testnet ETH from public faucets like https://sepoliafaucet.com/ or https://www.sepoliafaucet.io/.

  1. Once deposit is initialised, it will take about 1 minute for the deposit to arrive on GM Network testnet. After which, you can use the network to start deploying your contracts.

Last updated