$GM Token

$GM is the governance token of the GM Network ecosystem. This token will be used for ecosystem governance decisions and will be distributed to community members in the future. The GM token is planned to be listed on exchanges.

Goveranance Token

Token Info



Total Supply



Ethereum & GM Network


GM, Engagement

  • GM Token will be used by users to purchase various products and services within the GM ecosystem including GM Launchpad and GM AI.

GM, Incentivization

  • Projects within the GM ecosystem can earn GM token incentives by drawing in a higher number of active users.

GM, Staking

  • GM tokens, similar to other tokens within the AVS, can be utilized for dual staking, contributing to the security and scalability of the ecosystem.

  • GM stakers will continually receive additional airdrops and incentives from various projects within the ecosystem.

GM, Governance

  • GM token holders have the privilege to participate in voting on governance decisions.

Last updated