
How can one create a valid referral?

These are the users you have invited who are yet to fulfill any of the qualifying conditions. They appear in the Pending area of your account.

Referral Rewards

  1. Launchpad Referral Bonus: Based on the bundled purchase price products on Launchpad. Each product's price influences the commission percentage and total amount. Bonuses can be claimed after the GM Network mainnet launch.

  2. Referral GN: 1% of the General GN earned by your valid referrals. This amount will be automatically added to your Total GN.

  3. Milestone Referral Rewards: provide additional GN for completing invitation tasks, such as inviting 1, 10, or 50 people, with specific GN rewards for each milestone.

The Referral Bonus displayed on the referral page is determined by the commission mechanism based on the bundled purchase price of Yozoo. Each product, including different styles and quantities, has a specific bundled price, which influences the percentage and the total amount of the commission. They will be available to claim after the mainnet launch of GM Network.


Your invited your friend Alex to purchase the Yozoo Y-2 Super bundle, which includes 100 units of the Lemon White color.

Commission Calculation:

  • The commission rate for the Yozoo Y-2 Super bundle is 7.3% of the total discounted purchase price of $18,500

  • The total cashback commission John earns from this transaction is $1,350, which is 7.3% of $18,500

Sarah, your other referrer, purchased the Yozoo Y-2 Collection bundle, which includes 300 units of the Cream Green color.

Commission Calculation:

  • The commission rate for the Yozoo Y-2 Super bundle is 8.1% of the total discounted purchase price of $54,000

  • The total cashback commission John earns from this transaction is $4,350, which is 7.3% of $54,000

Your Total Bonus Displayed on the referral page will be

1,350 + 4,350 = $5,700

Last updated